Outreach International empowers our communities around the world to work together to achieve their shared goals. We work to equip our with partners the voice to express the issues they face, the means to access the materials and training they need, and the skills necessary to lift themselves, and their communities, out of chronic poverty, and into collective, sustainable action.
We exclusively work in ways that respect the values, culture, and spirituality of each partner community. In all of our 8 countries, local Outreach staff facilitates a community-driven, empowerment-based approach to identifying and resolving issues related to deep, chronic poverty.
Projects differ depending on each community’s stated goals, but include constructing local sources of clean water, establishing community-managed, low-interest loan programs and arranging educational initiatives for partners of all ages. Once a community agrees on a project, Outreach facilitators assist in mobilizing collective efforts to plan, perform, and complete a given goal in a permanent, sustainable manner. Outreach’s methodology is unique, data-driven, and effective, having touched hundreds of thousands of lives over its 40 years of operation.
Our key investment is in people, not projects — women, men, and children who possess stunning resilience, untapped intelligence, inherent creativity, and undeniable dignity. By giving our partners the tools they need to engineer their own successes, we motivate change that lasts for generations.