The broad spectrum of Machine Head’s capabilities results in a boundless variety of types of projects which are concepted, designed/planned and/or just fabricated within its walls. Whether it’s a simple machining or welding job, a complicated three dimensional sign, or fine art pieces requiring unequivocal precision – each receives acute attention to detail and master craftsmanship. Machine Head, located in the Crossroads Arts District of Kansas City, Missouri, was established in the fall of 1998. Since its inception, Machine Head has amassed an impressive collection of machining equipment while building an outstanding reputation for its capabilities.nSome notable, prominently displayed projects created at Machine Head are the GatorAde Victory Lane at the Kansas Speedway; a sculpture for ABC’s hit, EXTREME HOME MAKEOVER, and an 8,000 pound, thirty foot tall sculpture called HOUSE DREAMING, in Kansas City.
Machine Head