The profile of the Cerbera Gallery for Contemporary Fine Art ranges from small to large-format, innovative, oftentimes abstract works by selected European, North American and Asian artists such as Norbert Frensch, Ralf Ziervogel, Alfredo Álvarez Plágaro , Keiko Sadakane , Hans Hartung, Greg Miller, lithography by Guenther Uecker, Ken Price, Joan Hernandez Pijuan, Roger Shimomura and photography works by Laura Letinsky, Alex Prager, Thomas Florschuetz , Dirk Reinartz, Claus Goedicke and Nicolas Dhervillers.
Mixed-media installations by artists such as Evelina Cajacob and Ben Harle as well as a broad range of sculptural and functional ceramic works by Ken Price, Richard Notkin, Ruth Duckworth, Melanie Sherman, Kyungmin Park, Bobby Tso, Amy Santoferraro, Jamie Bates Slone, Blair Clemo, Sunshine Cobb, Dan Anderson, Joanna Powell, Meredith Host, Rain Harris, Paul Donnelly, Mariko Paterson, David Bolton, Ben Bates, Ken Price, Cidney Ross, Alex Watson, Kensuke Yamada among others further embellish the program of the Cerbera Gallery for Contemporary Fine Art.