Our Mission
The mission of the Crossroads Community Improvement District (CID) is to create and maintain a safe, beautiful and vibrant neighborhood through partnerships with community members. Funds collected from property assessments based on a property’s ‘footprint’ within the district will be used to make requested, strategic and visible improvements in the streetscape and safety of our neighborhood while maintaining its unique and authentic character. Through attention to streetscape, special events, and advocating for issues of safety and other items of concern which impact the economic vitality and livability of the Crossroads, the Crossroads CID will work to provide a better community for all.
CID Petition
4th District City Council Support
Re: Letter of Support for the Crossroads Community Improvement District
To Whom It May Concern,
We are writing to express our commitment to vote in favor of the establishment of a Crossroads Community Improvement District (CID). This vital initiative comes at a pivotal moment for our City and the Crossroads Neighborhood.
The creation of the CID does not relieve the City of its responsibility to provide basic city services. Rather, it creates a partnership through which we collectively provide enhanced services. The mission of the Crossroads CID — to create and maintain a safe, beautiful, and vibrant neighborhood through partnerships with community members — aligns perfectly with our shared vision for Kansas City’s future. The CID will provide dedicated funding to support key improvements in security, greenspace, streetscape, and waste management. These focus areas are critical to maintaining the neighborhood’s authenticity while driving growth and community well-being.
By being proactive in addressing public safety and beautification efforts, the CID will form a strong partnership with the City and enhance the economic vibrance and livability of this vital community. The CID represents an opportunity for us to collectively ensure the neighborhood remains a thriving hub of creativity and commerce and a safe and welcoming space for residents, visitors, and businesses alike.
For these reasons, we intend to support the creation of the Crossroads CID and will continue to support the Crossroads community in securing its future.
Crispin Rea
Councilmember, 4th District At-Large
City Council of Kansas City
Eric Bunch
Councilmember, 4th District
City Council of Kansas City
What is a CID?
Community Improvement Districts (CIDs) are designed to help improve the community by bettering conditions for current businesses and residents. Community safety, beautification, business retention, economic growth and capital improvements are all domains in which CIDs can help improve communities.
Why have a CID?
Surveys were sent to the City of Kansas City, Missouri’s Crossroads Arts District Stakeholders. Of the 1,265 surveys distributed, 245 surveys were completed and returned. Here are the results:
Would you like a CID for the Crossroads?

What services are preferred?

Tree-planting program
(Project to plant and maintain 100 new trees per year)
Graffiti removal
First Fridays event management
The proposed Crossroads Community Improvement District would span the entire Crossroads Arts District, minus parcels that are already part of existing or proposed CIDs (to comply with existing city guidance against stacking CIDs).
Boundaries are Truman Road South on the north, the Kansas City Terminal Railway tracks on the south, Troost Avenue on the East, and Broadway Boulevard on the west. These boundaries are a subset of the official neighborhood boundary of the Crossroads Arts District and the Crossroads Community Association on file with the City of Kansas City.

Under the guidance of the CID Board, the goal for funds from the Crossroads Community Improvement District will be to provide the following services:
We will work with security professionals to design a multi-faceted security program that works to best suit the needs of the neighborhood through response and deterrence. Security is never a one-size fits all approach, and the Crossroads, like any neighborhood will have unique security needs that may require outside the box thinking.
Direct Security Funding
- 12 hours of patrol in the neighborhood with a combination of uniformed off-duty KCPD police, and uniformed licensed security to provide presence on the street and have someone to call when unwanted events happen
- New Signage promoting the security program and CID that reinforces our security and safety program
- Targeted and monitored camera program in hot spot areas to help prosecute crimes and criminals
Indirect Security Funding
- Six uniformed crossroads ambassadors carrying walkie talkies, on the ground 40 hours per week, performing maintenance tasks that will convey safety through their presence and new well-kept green spaces.
- A robust trash and graffiti removal program will be a major deterrent to crimes of opportunity.
- Streetscape program, with an emphasis on walkability, to encourage street level presence and activity, which is has been proven to reduce property crimes.
Greenspace & Streetscape
- Improve vegetation along sidewalks and other barren areas
- Maintain current plantings (ex: 20th Street)
- Mow, weed, and prune unkempt right-of-ways and alleys
- Plant and maintain 100 trees annually (50 in fall and 50 in spring)
- Install and maintain approximately 50 receptacles with the goal of one receptacle every 2 – 3 blocks
- Daily trash pick-up team
- Maintenance vehicle
Graffiti Removal
- Graffiti removed within 48 hours of notification
First Friday Event Management
- Security officers
- Portable toilets
- Traffic control
- EMS stand-by
- Additional trash receptacles and clean up
- Operations staff to organize artist booths and food trucks
How will the Crossroads CID be funded?
1. Property Assessments
These will be based on the ‘property footprint’ (square footage), not on the property value:
- Undeveloped lots under 10,000 sq. ft (500 sq. ft min): $100/yr
- Undeveloped lots 10,000 – 40,000: $200/yr
- Parking Lots under 10,000 sq. ft: $300/yr
- Parking Lots over 10,000 sq. ft: $600/yr
- Single Family Residence: $100/yr
- Condominiums: $100/yr
- Buildings less than 10,000 sq. ft: $600/yr
- Buildings 10,000 – 40,000 sq. ft: $1,200/yr
- Buildings over 40,000 sq. ft: $1,800/yr
All assessments increase 3% annually to cover increases in expenses.
2. Half-Cent Sales Tax (0.5%)
The Crossroads CID would add 0.5% sales tax to all retail sales within the district, in compliance with Missouri’s Community Improvement District Act.
How will funds be managed and spent?
The CID Board will work with the CID Executive Director to manage how funds are spent in response to input from the community.
Board of Directors
Who will oversee the CID?
A nine-member volunteer CID Board will govern the Crossroads CID and will be comprised of property owners, business owners, and residents throughout the Crossroads Arts District.
Crossroads CID Board
Jeff Owens
Jeff has served as both president and vice-president of the Crossroads Community Association, and is the mover and shaker behind Kansas City’s beloved First Fridays. As an artist himself and managing partner of The Bauer, a multimedia arts center, Jeff is passionate about seeing the Crossroads become a beautiful space to amplify the artists that in many ways define our district.

Rick Usher
Rick is the president & CEO at The Usher Garage LLC, consulting on entrepreneurship, digital equity and local government public policy. He was Assistant City Manager for Small Business & Entrepreneurship at the City of Kansas City, Mo. until his retirement in 2021. His civic engagement now includes leading the Crossroads Street Tree Initiative. Rick is excited to further empower residents, artists and small businesses through the services the CID provides.

Rasool Ahmed
Board Member
As well as owning property in the Crossroads, Rasool is the owner of Crossroads-based ICG Inc., providing quality parking services and janitorial products to customers throughout the Kansas City area. Rasool comes from a rich legacy of family business, and is excited to be part of the CID’s efforts to benefit the Crossroads’ business owners and customers alike.

Ryan Gaik
Board Member
Ryan is a dedicated commercial property manager and is known for his exceptional service and commitment to his tenants. With years of experience in the industry Ryan has built a reputation for being reliable and trustworthy. Ryan specializes in mixed use commercial properties with over 90% of the properties under management located in the Kansas City Crossroads.

Alissa Wehmueller
Board Member
Alissa, Director of Interiors at Helix Architecture, is on a mission to create a happier, healthier American culture through work space design. There are parallels between her lifestyle philosophies and the more European models that work with pleasure. Her love for the industry is contagious, and it shows in the numerous accolades she has received during her career.

How does this affect existing CCA services?
The 501(c)(4) Crossroads Community Association currently provides volunteer support for graffiti removal, street tree planting/maintenance, and First Friday infrastructure and promotion. These services will transition to the CID, which will provide additional funding and staff to ensure these services are provided consistently throughout the district.
How can I help?
Property owners must sign the Crossroads CID petition in 2023 to form the district and establish the special assessments. Qualified voters (residents who are registered to vote at an address located within the CID boundary) must vote to authorize the sales tax in a separate election to be conducted in 2024. Tenants can put us in touch with the appropriate ownership contact for your building.
To request a meeting, email us at contact@kccrossroads.org.
To download a copy of the Crossroads CID petition, click the link below.
CCA and future CID board members will be available at future CCA events to assist with signatures and answer any questions, including the notarizing of petition signatures. All parcels in the CID boundary will be mailed a copy of the petition and supporting information on this page.
Additional public notary access is available at the Crossroads branch of Mazuma Credit Union during normal business hours. A notary public is also available at the Bauer by appointment only. To schedule an appointment with a notary at the Bauer, email Abby at abby@thebauerkc.com.
What is my property’s tax ID?
CID petitions require the Jackson County APN to be populated on the signature page. The APN is on every tax bill or notice you receive from the County. You can also locate the information online at https://maps.kcmo.org/apps/parcelviewer/
How do I sign the petition?
- Download the petition PDF. Print the signature page. The original physical copy (not a virtual copy) is required.
- Fill out the signature page.
- For “owner name” on the signature sheet, the entity name and associated address, not the individual’s name and personal address, must be listed if the parcel is not owned under the individual’s name.
- If the parcel is not owned under the individual’s name, or if you are signing as a representative of the owner, please fill out the “IF SIGNER IS DIFFERENT FROM OWNER” section appropriately.
- For the table:
- Your tax parcel number may be found by typing in the parcel’s address on KC Parcel Viewer: (https://maps.kcmo.org/apps/parcelviewer). It is the bottom of the two blue numbers on the left side of the screen that says “Jackson County APN”.
- You may leave the middle section (“Parcel Number(s) from Exhibit B) blank.
- You can find the assessed value by clicking on the blue tax parcel number as described above.
- Property owners have one vote per entity no matter how many properties are under each ownership entity. For example, if you own seven properties under three different LLCs, you may sign, notarize and return three separate signature pages.
- Once filled out, your petition must be signed and notarized with the notary physically present to witness the signing. Signed signature pages are due Thursday, August 1, 2024.
Free notarizations are available at Mazuma Credit Union at 1910 Main St. during regular business hours, as well as by appointment at the Bauer (115 W 18th St). To schedule your notary appointment at the Bauer please email abby@thebauerkc.com.
After filling out your signature page(s), please mail the original copy/copies to the following address:
Crossroads Community Association
P.O. Box 414806
Kansas City, MO 64141